Velichka Dzhambazova's profile


Exhibition ‘’ Cabinet of curiosities ’’
Gallery: Credo Bonum

The term “Cabinet of curiosities” (from German: Kunstkammern) stems from the curious collections of various objects in the field of the natural sciences, and the history of these collections can be traced all the way back to the 17-th century. Holding within themselves exciting tales of the adventures of their owners, these peculiar artefacts revealed for the viewer a distant dimension between fantasy and reality.
Inspired by this phenomenon, the project “Cabinet of Curiosities” presents a collaboration between four emerging artists, who create an immersive exhibition for the audience. In this exhibition every viewer takes on the role of an artist, creating their own path through our real-life Labyrinth. Drawing from the rich archive behind these cabinets, our collective follows the categories, as described by the experts. Hence our collective “Cabinet” has four installations:
EXOTICA – embodies the eternal exploration of mankind ( Biliana Desheva)
ARTIFICIALIA – gives us a glimpse into the structure of memory ( Gergana Ivanova)
SCIENTIFICA – examines the collision between micro- and macrocosm ( Velichka Dzhambazova)
NATURALIA – redefines nature and its essentiality. ( Siana Damqnova)

Where does the beginning meet the end?
How far does human curiosity reach?
Is it possible to hear infinity?
Where is the intersection between micro and macro?

The work of Velichka Dzhambazova presents the question of how a person perceives polar extremes, situated within one space – a collision between microcosm and macrocosm. That is where infinity reigns. Could we enfetter it within four walls? What would we feel when we get a glimpse of it?

MUSIC - Blagoi Panev


